Yesterday, 31st May was World No Tobacco Day. The day was marked in the Maldives too. The theme of World No Tobacco Day 2009 is "Tobacco Health Warnings", with an emphasis on the picture warnings that have been shown to be particularly effective at making people aware of the health risks of tobacco use and convincing them to quit. More and more countries are fighting back against the epidemic of tobacco by requiring that packages of tobacco show the dangers of the product's use, as called for in guidelines to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.
A public awareness message on the harmful effects of tobacco is to be printed in Dhivehi on all tobacco products packed in Maldives. The rule will came into effect from the 1st of July 2005.
Tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death. More than five million people die from the effects of tobacco every year — more than from HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. It is the only legal consumer product that kills when used exactly as the manufacturer intends. Up to half of all smokers will die from a tobacco-related disease, like lung cancer. Second-hand smoke harms everyone who is exposed to it. Hence, passive smokers are quite large in Maldives including our kids, especially in Male’ due to overpopulation per small area.
In 2003, Maldives Customs Services has said that spending for import of tobacco-related materials has increased by 17 percent more than last year. It said Rf56.2 million were spent on importing tobacco-related materials last year. This is an amount which is Rf9.6 million more than the year 2001 ($=12.85).
More has been spent on tobacco imports during the period January-August 2002 in contrast to the year-ago period, according to Maldives Customs Service. Some Rf42.9 million (US$3.3 million) was spent on importing tobacco in the first eight months of 2002, which was a Rf2.8 million (US$0.2 million) increase over the year-ago period; in 2001, during the January-August period, the amount spent on importing tobacco was Rf40.1 million (US$3.1 million). This amount was spent on importing 165 million cigarettes, according to Customs.
For the benefit of Tobacco companies, they spend tens of millions of dollars every year turning new users into addicts and keeping current users from quitting. Through advertising and promotional campaigns, including the use of carefully crafted package designs, the tobacco industry continues to divert attention from the deadly effects of its products. More and more countries are fighting back by requiring that tobacco packages graphically show the dangers of tobacco, as called for in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Effective health warnings, especially those that include pictures, have been proven to motivate users to quit and to reduce the appeal of tobacco for those who are not yet addicted.
There are hundreds of chemicals in a cigarette. Among those, nicotine is a highly addictive substance. Therefore, warning people about its true risks can go a long way towards reducing tobacco addiction. Here, in Maldives lot of school students are tobacco addicts and finally they move into drugs and become drug addicts.